This inclusivity is essential for sustainable growth for our clients and colleagues in the increasingly diverse and sophisticated global environment in which we do business. In 2017 we openly acknowledged that MUFG needs to improve its gender balance when we signed the HM Treasury Women in Finance Charter. In signing this, we made a commitment to improve the gender diversity of our senior management population.
MUFG's Gender Pay Gap explained
MUFG is actively working to have a gender-balanced workforce at all levels of the organisation – we consider this to be necessary for our success as a business as well as being the right thing to do for our people. We also know that this commitment will support the reduction of our Gender Pay Gap.
We are confident that MUFG's Gender Pay Gap is not an issue of equal pay, but is due to a gender imbalance both in senior management and across the business as a whole. Women are currently under-represented in the very highest paid roles. We continue to review our practices with the objective of achieving a meaningful increase in the number of women in mid and senior level positions and fostering an environment in which all staff are treated fairly irrespective of gender.
Click here to access our 2023 Gender Pay Gap Report.