What is LIBOR and why is it important?
LIBOR, the most widely used benchmark for short-term interest rates, is used in financial products denominated in a number of currencies and is published in GBP (British Pound), USD (US Dollar), EUR (Euro), JPY (Japanese Yen) and CHF (Swiss Franc). Certain currencies also use specific benchmarks such as, EURIBOR and EONIA for EUR, the Tokyo Interbank Offered Rate (TIBOR) for JPY, the Canadian Dollar (CDOR), the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate (HIBOR) for Hong Kong Dollar and the Singapore Interbank Offered Rate (SIBOR) for Singapore Dollar amongst others.
What is happening with LIBOR and why transition away from it?
In 2017, the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), LIBOR's regulator, decided that it would not compel LIBOR panel banks to continue to make LIBOR submissions after 2021. Accordingly, it is very likely that LIBOR will no longer be available after the end of 2021. Transition to alternative benchmark interest rates is underway.
What is the role of the Working Group on Sterling Risk-Free Reference Rates?
The Working Group on Sterling Risk-Free Reference Rates (the Sterling Working Group) was set up by the Bank of England to recommend a near risk-free reference rate (RFR) and promote its adoption as an alternative to sterling LIBOR. In April 2017, the Sterling Working Group recommended the Sterling Overnight Indexed Average (SONIA) as its preferred RFR.
What is SONIA?
SONIA measures the rate paid by banks on unsecured overnight funding. In April 2017, the Sterling Working Group recommended SONIA as the preferred Sterling RFR citing a number of reasons:
- SONIA has the capability to evolve over time and is designed to be robust to changes in its underlying markets.
- Experience shows SONIA tends to be predictable and tracks Bank Rate very closely.
- SONIA is referenced in the already liquid sterling overnight indexed swap (OIS) market making the path to transition easier.
How is SONIA calculated?
Each London business day, SONIA is measured as the trimmed mean of interest rates paid on eligible sterling denominated deposit transactions and rounded to four decimal places. The trimmed mean is calculated as the volume-weighted mean rate, based on the central 50% of the volume-weighted distribution of rates.
What happens to existing transactions and contracts?
A transaction, which references LIBOR and matures, or expires, after the time LIBOR is expected to be phased out, will likely need to be amended. This will be an expansive task given the large number of contracts referencing LIBOR.
What is happening to new transactions entered into now and in the near future?
Trade associations and industry working groups such as the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) and the Loan Market Association (LMA), have developed and continue to work on contractual terms to be included in contracts known as “fallback provisions" that specify what will happen when a benchmark rate (such as LIBOR) is no longer available. In line with target milestones issued by the Risk Free Rate Working Group (RFRWG), MUFG will be including contractual arrangements in all new and re-financed GBP LIBOR-referencing loan agreements to facilitate conversion to SONIA or other alternatives, as well as using amendments to existing GBP LIBOR based agreements as opportunities to implement conversion terms.
Given that SONIA is an overnight rate, will forward looking term SONIA be available?
There are currently no forward-looking term rates based on RFRs available. The development of a forward looking SONIA rate is being looked at by the Sterling Working Group. The FCA has discouraged market participants from delaying the transition of new business away from LIBOR in anticipation of a SONIA forward looking rate. However the Sterling Working Group has recognised the role that a forward-looking term rate could play a part in facilitating the transition from LIBOR to SONIA and three potential benchmark providers have confirmed that they are working on such a term rate with a view to making a rate available in 2020.
Where can I get updates regarding the transition process for GBP LIBOR?
The Sterling Working Group publishes a monthly newsletter providing key news updates relating to the LIBOR transition in the UK and other markets. The Sterling Working Group's current and past newsletters can be found at www.bankofengland.co.uk in the section titled "Working Group newsletters".
Is MUFG actively working on the transition away from LIBOR?
Yes. MUFG has implemented an IBOR Transition programme, working with various regulators, the industry and our clients to manage the successful transition of this market change. We are committed to working in partnership with our clients to support them through this transition and we encourage you to keep up to date with the latest industry developments in relation to IBOR reform and to consider its impact on your own business.
What should my firm do right now?
(1) Learn more about LIBOR cessation, transition and replacement rate developments; (2) analyse its LIBOR exposure with a focus on financial instruments maturing beyond 2021 and what effect the discontinuation of LIBOR might have on that exposure; (3) engage with its counterparties, vendors and financial institutions to begin the process of identifying and amending LIBOR-dependent contracts to which it is a party; and (4) consider the impact that a change to a replacement rate may have on accounting, tax, IT, systems and operations.
If you would like any further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at:
MUFG Bank | |
MUFG Securities | |
MUFG Bank (Europe) | For communications or feedback please email: IBOR@nl.mufg.jp For any legal specific questions please email: MBElegal@nl.mufg.jp |
This page and its related content are not intended to be, and should not be relied upon as, legal, financial, tax, accounting or other advice. We are not providing you with any such advice and you should consult your own advisors for advice on the reform of interest rate benchmarks and the related risks. We make no representation and provide no warranty as to the information set out in herein, which is based on information from third parties, and you should not rely on any such information as constituting a representation or warranty. The content herein is not intended to be comprehensive and were last updated in Feb 2020. Material developments may have occurred since this last update. This page and its related content do not consider risks to you from interest rate reform and there may be other issues that are not highlighted below. Without limiting the foregoing, this page and its related content do not address issues specific to any particular sector or business. We are not acting as your fiduciary or adviser and the provision of this information to you will not give rise to any duty of care. We assume no responsibility for any use to which these this information may be put. The areas covered herein are continually evolving and you should consult the relevant sources. Links to some of the relevant working and industry groups are at the end of this document.