We are currently facing a global pandemic that has exacerbated many inequalities in society. Young people's education, job prospects and mental wellbeing will be significantly impacted by COVID-19 and there are calls for a green recovery from the virus.
Providing funding is just one part of MUFG EMEA's CSR strategy. It's our passionate employee CSR champions, mentors and other volunteers who bring it to life. As these images from our 'working from home' photo competition show, our EMEA colleagues are determined to weather the COVID-19 storm. Together with our dedicated volunteers and charity partners, we will help to narrow the financial literacy gap, boost young people's career aspirations and protect the environment.
As Philip Roberts, Head of Investment Banking Division, MUFG EMEA, and Chair of our CSR Committee, says: “By listening to what our partners need, we can offer much more than financial support. Everyone involved in CSR at MUFG EMEA is incredibly energetic and enthusiastic, which makes for a positive impact across all our projects. In these challenging times, our CSR programme and the contribution of our volunteers take on even more importance."